post about turning in assignments

This has gotten a little out of hand so I'm making a formal post and statement about my policy for accepting assignments. This policy will govern ALL assignments.

  1. Unless expressly stated, your assignments are due at the beginning of class. If you walk in 10 minutes late after I've already collected the assignment, your assignment is LATE; the syllabus clearly notes that I do NOT accept late assignments for ANY reason.
  2. YOU are responsible for knowing when assignments are due-- "I misread the assignment," "I didn't know," and any derivation of such excuses are NOT sufficient explanations for why you do not have your assignment in on time.
  3. If you are sick on the date an assignment is due, you are still responsible for getting it on time and NOT by emailing it to me. It is your responsibility to find a classmates who will be willing to print it out and turn it in for you.
  4. I do NOT accept emailed attachments for ANY reason. When you do this, you are basically asking me to print out, staple, and turn in your assignment! If you can't be bothered to print out your own assignment, why should I?
  5. If we are in a class where we've decided to submit digital assignments, they are likely to be in the form of Google Drive/Docs. In this case, you must share the document with me properly (IMPORTANT-please see below for the naming convention used in this class for Google Docs)
  6. ALL assignments at the college level should be typed. Unless expressly stated by the instructor, handwritten assignments are NOT accepted; in other words, if you're not sure, type it up!
  7. If your assignment is more than 1 page, YOU are responsible for stapling it (why would you ever expect me to staple it for you?!). Do not use paperclips, folded corners, etc. If you turn in  an assignment that is made up of loose pages, I may lose a page or two!
  8. ALL assignments should have a single-spaced header made up of the following:
    • FirstName LastName
    • Course Name
    • Date
    • Assignment Name
  9. Assignments should also have appropriate titles!
IMPORTANT: If you decide that you want to share a Google Document with me, please use the following convention when naming your documents:
  • mig-SU13-YourLastName.FirstInitial-title of assignment
So let's say student Terry Smith wants to share the draft proposal with me, Terry would name the document as:
  • mig-SU13-Smith.T-draft proposal
This convention is important because students share many documents with me. If every student in a class named his/her document something such as "Draft Proposal," my Google Drive would end up looking something like this:
Instead, I need to be able to quickly look at a document name and be able to tell
  1. the course, 
  2. the semester and year the document was created, 
  3. who the student is, and 
  4. what assignment it is
Compare the first screenshot to this one (please note that the 'SP13' should go after the 'rm'):
