
There are four major types of assignments in this class.
  1. Attendance & Participation
  2. Misc
  3. S/R papers 
  4. Midterm Assessment 
  5. Semester Interview Project

(15%) Attendance & Participation

(2%) Misc

(40%) Weekly Summary/Response papers (S/R papers)

There are total 16 weeks, but no papers are due for Wk1, Wk 9, Wk11, Wk12, or Wk16 so there are 11 weeks with assigned readings. I will only count 7 S/R papers-- in other words, you may skip writing papers for any 4 weeks you choose. Below are the dates for when S/R papers are due.

Please visit this link for detailed instructions for how to write your S/R papers.
  • Wk1: no S/R paper assigned
  • Wk2: Th, 2/9 (you may include reference to Aristotle)
  • Wk3: Th, 2/16
  • Wk4: Th, 2/23
  • Wk5: Th, 3/2
  • Wk6: Th, 3/9
  • Wk7: Th, 3/16
  • Wk8: Th, 3/23
  • Wk9: no S/R paper assigned (movie)
  • Wk10: Th, 4/6
  • Wk 11: Spring Break
  • Wk 12: Spring Break cont'd
  • Wk13: Th, 4/27
  • Wk14: Th, 5/4
  • Wk15: Th, 5/11
  • Wk16: no S/R paper assigned, nor accepted

(3%) Midterm Assessment (Wk8)

The structure of the midterm is still being decided, but will be either Week 7 or Week 8.

(40%) Semester Interview Project instructions

  • (4%) Part 1: Ethics Quiz
    • Wk3, 2/14 - Workshop #1: Ethics
    • read ethics chapter
    • take quiz online quiz
  • (1%) Part 2: Semester Project Survey
    • Wk6, 3/7 - Workshop #2: Questionnaire 
      • Take survey about project topic
      • in-class workshop - create a questionnaire, practice interviewing 
      • Final Questionnaire
  • (5%) Part 3: R Names & Schedule Interviews: due Thu, March 23
    • Turn in names of Respondents & Scheduled interviews 
  • (30%) Part 4: Conduct Interviews and Write Interview Summaries due Thu, April 27
  • (10%) Part 5: Workshop #4: in-class discussion about interviews
    • Wk14, Th, 5/11 - Workshop #3: in-class discussion about interviews- share with each other what you've found
    • go over data on Respondent Basics Form
  • (50%) Part 6: final packet and paper - due last day of class